
National Youth Council of Serbia

Konferencija za medije KOMS
NYC of Serbia - the highest independent representative body of youth in Serbia.

National Youth Council of Serbia is an association of 108 youth and for youth organization, and is the highest independent representative body of youth in Serbia.

Our mission

KOMS is an advocacy platform that represents the interests of young people, ensures their active participation and develops systemic solutions in order to improve the position of young people through the development of strategic partnerships…

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Value platform

The process of KOMS’ forming is based on the experiences of previous initiatives of formation of national youth council, the results of numerous analyzes and researches, the needs of organizations in Serbia, as well as the current socio-political context. Without going into the definition of activities and goals, this platform does not intend to define the program aspects of KOMS activities, but rather the way in which the activities will be implemented.

See our Value platform

Our vision

We believe that young people should be visionaries, and our vision is:

A stimulating environment in which young people represent their interests and actively participate in the development of society.

About KOMS

Our partners