Instructions for reading and interpreting the results of the research Youth Health: The Position and Needs of Youth in the Republic of Serbia

Dear readers of our research,

In order to prevent misinterpretations of the results of our research, please keep in mind the following clarifications:

  • The research team of the Institute for Social Medicine of the Medical Faculty of the University of Belgrade, collected the views of young people through a research questionnaire. The research questionnaire is not a diagnostic instrument, so it is important to note that in population-based surveys that use self-assessment instruments (as is the case in this study), therefore no diagnoses are made.
  • When presenting the results in the section on the mental health of young people, the terms anxiety and depression were used because it is given in the instructions for scoring the used questionnaire, which cannot be equated with a diagnosis made in a different way.
  • It is important to note that based on the self-assessment of those who participated in our study, the frequency of symptoms of stress/depression/anxiety is high. The self-assessment of the mental health of young people was examined with a validated and reliable scale, previously used in the Serbian language, and a significant number of young people responded that they felt the symptoms of these conditions.

We invite all media and other stakeholders to report on such sensitive social issues sensibly and for the purpose of objective and ethical information of young people and the general public.

For more information, you can contact the KOMS program coordinator at anja.jokic@koms.rs.

Research Youth Health: The Position and Needs of Youth in the Republic of Serbia is conducted by the National Youth Council of Serbia (KOMS) within the program Hello Twenties with the support of Galenika A.D. Belgrade.