From January 2 to 6, team members of the National Youth Council of Serbia (KOMS) sojourned in Sarajevo, and on that occasion, as part of the study visit, they met with representatives of the Secretariat and the Governing Board of the Youth Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (VMFBiH).
Jointly we discussed the achievements and upcoming initiatives and activities within the project Culture of Dialogue, within the Joint UN Regional Programme Dialogue for the Future, which is being by the two umbrella organizations.
The aim of the visit was to discuss the possibilities for improving the work of both umbrella organizations, as well as the possibilities for continuing and strengthening existing cooperation, establishing a common framework for regional advocacy initiatives, exchanging experiences in the field of internal regulations.
Through this visit and joint work, the two umbrella organizations seek to contribute to the improvement of communication, solidarity, and understanding between different groups of young people, as well as to the improvement of cooperation and communication of young people with key actors in society at the national and regional level.
The exchange of knowledge and experiences with other umbrella organizations is a part of KOMS’ International program, which is supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia within the project Youth has an advantage.
The National Youth Council of Serbia and the Youth Council of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are implementing the project Culture of Dialogue within the Joint UN Regional Programme “Dialogue for the Future: Promoting Dialogue and Social Cohesion in and Between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and the Republic of Serbia” is implemented by UNDP, UNICEF, and UNESCO, with the support of the UN Peacebuilding Fund.